Learn how to operate computer without mouse

learn the shortcut keys to reduce operating time , and also you can use your computer very efficiently

Learn basic applications

basic applications like mspaint , msoffice , etc. it is most importent to know basic knowledge on such applications.

computer evolution

Day by day the technology is changing based up on our requirements stay tuned up on latest upgraded computers :)

what is good typing speed

A typing speed above 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) is higher than the average score, and over 100 WPM is usually considered a high speed (when it is achieved with zero errors)

computer became importent for everyone!

I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

can you type one sentence without seeing keybord ? take it as challenge :)

typing is very simple thing that every one can do in there daily life but typing without seeing keyboard is difficult task  but by practicing daily it is not so difficult . Typing is a skill that is used in many career paths . so improving your speed might be a necessity if you want to be more proficient in your job. Increasing your typing speed is something that can be done on your own or with proper training.learn the basic rules to follow while typing , most of the people where cant able to type a single word without seeing keyboard , just try your self will u able to type or not.
                                                                                                                               If not , no problem . Now this is the time to learn , follow these tips and rules to get professional in typing. the main thing here is without practice its impossible to do so. please after knowing this steps,basic rules and tips go on with practice and practice because "practice makes  a man perfect" :)

                              RULES TO FOLLOW

basic things to know:-place your fingers on "home keys" at starting. as shown in the fig 

now practice your self by typing (A S D F) & ( J K L ;) without seeing keyboard.make your  mind to register particular finger for particular letter.
                                                         after completing that , move on for another letters bellow fig: indicates  that total finger chart to type.

 position while typing:-
  • sit straight and keep your back straight.
  • face the screen with your head slightly tilt forward.
  • keep your elbow bent at the right angle.
  • Keep at least 45 - 70 cm of distance between your eyes and the screen
  • expose the shoulder, arm, and wrist muscles to the least possible strain. The wrists can touch the tabletop in front of the keyboard. Never shift your body weight to the wrists by resting on them.  

knowing your finger position:-place your fingers on home keys i.e ( a s d f ) & ( j k l ; ) by slightly curve your fingers. 
                                F and J have a raised line to know the position by without seeing the keyboard , it looks as bellow fig

 finger motion:-
  • don't look at the key board just slide your fingers to find the position on the keyboard using raised lines on f and j
  • limit your hand moments only use specific finger which is reserved to specific key.
  • pay attention to right and left fingers.since they are considerably under developed.

typing speed :-
  • Do not rush when you just started learning. Speed up only when your fingers hit the right keys out of habit.
  • Take your time when typing to avoid mistakes. The speed will pick up as you progress.

take care of your self:- Take a break if you feel that you get distracted easily and are making a lot of mistakes. It is more productive to come back when you feel refreshed.

note:-don't step back if u feel hard , because if u practice for a while u no need to search for letters automatically it  happens you feel wonder .



Monday, February 16, 2015

how to search efficiently in Internet ?

google is the most famous search engine , daily we search the things which we need but in some cases it may not give good results.
                                now this tips may helpful to search the info exactly which we need .Google has been fanatical about speed. There is little doubt that it has built an incredibly fast and thorough search engine. Unfortunately, the human element of the Internet search equation is often overlooked. These  tips are designed to improve that human element and better your Internet search skills.

use (-) minus operator
 How many times have you searched for a term and had the search engine return something totally unexpected? Terms with multiple meanings can return a lot of unwanted results. The rarely used but powerful minus operator, equivalent to a Boolean NOT, can remove many unwanted results.ex:-mobile-htc it means returns only htc related pages.

don't use common words
Common terms like a and the are called stop words and are usually ignored. Punctuation is also typically ignored. But there are exceptions. Common words and punctuation marks should be used when searching for a specific phrase inside quotes. There are cases when common words like the are significant. For example  "book"  and "The book" return entirely different results.

Most search engines do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase, even within quotation marks. The following are all equivalent.
for example
                               }   all gives same result.
drop the suffixes
don't us suffixes and prefixes its better to avoid such things for example books , the book  etc.

drop down list
this is one of the  best concept to search efficiently because when we start typing the name it shows related things so that it reduce the typing time by selecting from the list.

plus oprator(+)
The plus operator tells the search engine to include those words in the result 

star operator(*)
 Google calls it the fill in the blank operator. For example, amusement * will return pages with amusement and any other term(s) the Google search engine deems relevant. 

OR operator (|)
 Use this operator to return results with either of two terms. For example happy joy will return pages with both happy and joy, while happy | joy will return pages with either happy or joy.

site searching
if we want to open a particular site we just type a name of the web page but it returns more pages which we don't want , to overcome this problem its better to type source address off the page ex:-www.google.com

Use browser history

Many times, I will be researching an item and scanning through dozens of pages when I suddenly remember something I had originally dismissed as being irrelevant. How do you quickly go back to that Web site? You can try to remember the exact words used for the search and then scan the results for the right site, but there is an easier way. If you can remember the general date and time of the search you can look through the browser history to find the Web page.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

youtube move like a jelly must see !

i'm so surprised by seeing youtube page like a jelly its so funny  follow the steps as bellow
  1. open you tube page select search bar
  2. type "use the force luke" then press enter                        
                            have fun :p

Sunday, February 8, 2015

some ppl confused for first time :D

Saturday, February 7, 2015

simple thing which most of the people don't know about cmd check it .

hear you  can enable  "pasting the  text in command" easily and quickly because pasting is one of the easy way to complete the task fast as we can :p

  1. open run command  (win+r).
  2. type "cmd" press enter.
  3. right-click on command prompt pop up box will appear as shown in th fig.select properties
  4. enable the option quick edit mode then press ok
now copy the text (ctrl+c) and past it in the command prompt by "right-click" :)

dvorak keyboard

Dvorak simplified keyboard is a keyboard layout patented in 1963. this keyboard uses less finger motions and reduces errors compared to qwerty keyboard.one can type 20 times faster using a dvorak keyboard as compared to using a qwerty keyboard.