Saturday, January 3, 2015

make your pc welcomes you with your name !

In some hollywood movies when they open there computers it welcomes them with there name it looks cool right you also want to make your computer to welcome you with your name when you opened it.
its simple 
  • open notepad
  • copy the code given below and paste in notepad
    Dim speaks,speech
   speaks="wellcome to your pc,usernam"
   Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
   speech.Speak speaks
  • replace user-name with your name
  • save the file by (.vbs) extension and keep save as type>all files
  • copy the file which created after saving and paste it in the place given below
  • in windows xp past it in this path c:\document and settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup\paste the file hear
  • in windows 7,8 c:\users\(username)\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\start up\paste the copy file hear
note:-in windows 7,8 appdata is a hidden folder unhide the folder to proceed forward and paste it in the path as shown above.
example:-type the above path in search to open the hidden file
                                     Now restart your computer , at the time of opening your computer welcomes you have a great experience.

                                      thank you!!! 


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