Learn how to operate computer without mouse

learn the shortcut keys to reduce operating time , and also you can use your computer very efficiently

Learn basic applications

basic applications like mspaint , msoffice , etc. it is most importent to know basic knowledge on such applications.

computer evolution

Day by day the technology is changing based up on our requirements stay tuned up on latest upgraded computers :)

what is good typing speed

A typing speed above 40 WPM (Words Per Minute) is higher than the average score, and over 100 WPM is usually considered a high speed (when it is achieved with zero errors)

computer became importent for everyone!

I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

wordpad fact

word-pad fact you know what most of the people don't know that word-pad can handle large files.for most computer needs,most documents that are edited are small. they are seldom more than 100 pages.however , some people need to edit files that are 1,000 pages long or even 10,000 pages long.
                         happy pongal friends!!                                            

make it easy !!

some times we feel very angry because after typing all the text in word-pad we forget to type it in capital letters if it needed.to avoid this problem we have short cut keys so that we can make our work easy and also in better way.
 use this trick it may helps you.

  • the text in word-pad.
  • press shift+F3 
note:-by pressing  multiple times the text will change different forms.

Monday, January 12, 2015

how to protect my pc applications ?

we have many software to lock particular application in mobiles it's common but u know we have softwares to lock some applications  in our pc too . password door is a software which is used to lock applications in your pc and also i prefer this software because its size is less i.e 595 KB install this app in your pc and select protection to perticular app which you already installed in your personal computer like opera,word pad,excel etc.

note:click above link to download to get secure access

Thursday, January 8, 2015

how to hide your folder ?

hi friends do you want to hide important data . are you looking for any softwares to hide files . before that check this trick you can hide files using Dos prompt just using some commands you can hide the particular  folder in your system
  • open run command (win+r)
  • type cmd and press enter
  • now for example  to create a folder in D drive initially it shows c:\users\username> so type "d:" and press enter
                  example c:\users\username>d: press enter
  • now it shows like this D:> . type "md folder name" to create folder in d drive ex: d:>md folder name.
  • type "attrib +h folder name" to hide the above folder
  • type "attrib -h folder name" to un hide th folder
            c:\users\username>d: press enter
             D:>md images press enter
              D:>attrib +h images press enter
the above three commands for opening drive ,creating folder and hiding folder.
to unhide folder type as below
                      D:>attrib -h images press enter

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

mirror image of google !!

have you typed Google in revers in search bar try it , the Google page looks revers
  • type elgoog and press enter
  • click the first link i.e Google mirror i' m elgoog

have fun !!

Google page disaster ?

Google page is very famous if we want to see any info we prefer Google 
have you seen the disaster of Google page if not no problem u can see now

  • type "Google gravity" in Google search
  • now click the link which is like shown below
                                       Google Gravity 

now you can see that the Google page disaster

Monday, January 5, 2015

how to capture screen shot in your computer ?

want to capture screen of your computer it's look cool it  so simple to do
the only thing is to know how to open paint
  • open the screen which you want to capture
  • press "prntscr"
  • now open paint (in run command type mspaint)
  • now direct click paste or (ctrl+v)
  • save the file
thank you!!

rotate your computer screen :D

Are u bored by sing your computer screen routine , what to make some difference but i think u must have some practice to use your screen in different manner (just kidding) , no problem if you cant you can make it as before  
are you ready to do 
its just for fun

i do this trick to make my friends to don't touch my laptop :p.and also it makes safety from kids

ctrl+alt+-->(right arrow) it makes you screen to rotate right side
ctrl+alt+<--(left arrow) it makes you screen to rotate left side
ctrl+alt+down arrow it makes your screen rotate downwards 

to make your screen as before
               press ctrl+alt+(up arrow)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

flight crash notepad shocking trick!!

I shocked by seeing this trick its amazing do u know the flight number which is crashed at wtc on 9/11 is Q33NY...
the reason why i feel shocked is this was showed by notepad.do u know how ?

  • open notepad
  • type flight no in caps "Q33N"
  • increase the font size to 72
  • change font to "wingdings"

                 save the file and re-open again

Its shocking you find that a plain going into two buildings and then death


                                    shocking right!!

make your pc welcomes you with your name !

In some hollywood movies when they open there computers it welcomes them with there name it looks cool right you also want to make your computer to welcome you with your name when you opened it.
its simple 
  • open notepad
  • copy the code given below and paste in notepad
    Dim speaks,speech
   speaks="wellcome to your pc,usernam"
   Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
   speech.Speak speaks
  • replace user-name with your name
  • save the file by (.vbs) extension and keep save as type>all files
  • copy the file which created after saving and paste it in the place given below
  • in windows xp past it in this path c:\document and settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup\paste the file hear
  • in windows 7,8 c:\users\(username)\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\start up\paste the copy file hear
note:-in windows 7,8 appdata is a hidden folder unhide the folder to proceed forward and paste it in the path as shown above.
example:-type the above path in search to open the hidden file
                                     Now restart your computer , at the time of opening your computer welcomes you have a great experience.

                                      thank you!!! 

Friday, January 2, 2015

notepad secret ?

want to create a log for your notepad 
  • open notepad
  • on the first line type (.LOG) only in capslock press enter
  • type the text if you want 
  • save the file and close
  • next time you open u find the time and date.Notepad automatically adds a time/date log every time you open the file.
                                       try it !!

how to create your own run command ?

hello guys are u bored with common run commands want to create your own run command its simple :)

  1. create shortcut right click>new>shortcut.
  2. dialog box is opened now browse the exe file which you want to open in run command(example opera.exe)
  3. enter next
  4. now it asks the name for shortcut(this name should used in run command to open the exe file)
  5. enter name and click finish(dont forgot th name )
  6. cut the shortcut and paste it in the windows file ex:-c:\windows\paste shortcut.
  7. open run command and enter the name where you gave in step 4(see 4th point)

how to make your own "talking computer"

hi guys want to make your computer to talk  that  what you say , its simple you can make your computer to talk for that just fallow the steps bellow 

  • open notepad

  • copy the exact code given below
 Dim Message, Speak
  Message=InputBox("Enter text","Speak")

  Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
   Speak.Speak Message

  • paste the code in notepad

  • after pasting the code , select menu>file>save as...
            note:-     here give file name with (.vbs) extension 
                    select save as type as all files
                                        press ok
now open the short cut which is created after saving and type text it want to speak then press enter

Thursday, January 1, 2015

star war movie in ascii characters in your system!!!

Guys have you watched movie in dos prompt with Ascii characters its cool because i seen its awesome you can also see this movie in your system for that two things should be needed 

  1. INTERNET CONNECTION(speed no matters)
to watch it in windows xp mac os x and linux
  1. open run prompt (win+r)
  2. type "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"and press enter
on windows 8,8.1,7,vista

By default telnet is turned off,so first u have to turn it on

  • i.e control panel>turn windows features on or off>in check box select telnet and press ok

                it takes some time to load 

  • press start and in search bar enter telnet and press enter 

  • telnet prompt will opened after that type "o" and press enter

  • type "towel.blinkenlights.nl" and press enter
                                  now it starts star war movie it is  cool that too seeing movie in Ascii characters try it sry do it  

note:-make sure that internet connection and enable telnet in your system

Not just a notepad also a powerful tool !!

notepad is not just a text editor it as also have some extra features which make notepad very famous.it's cool 
                                         Notepad, the text editor that comes bundled in Windows is an excellent tool for text editing. But that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its tricks and hacks. Here is a roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks that you can try using Notepad.

matrix falling code effect:-

  • open notepad
  • copy the code given bellow and paste it in notepad
@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

  • save the file with (.bat) extension
                example filename.bat
  • open the file which is created after saving the file with .bat extension 
  • you can find which is like shown bellow


                                                      try it it's awesome !!
 note:- can only do in notepad